We Speak English
The courses are open to an international audience, with most participants coming from Western and Eastern Europe. We do, however, have some regular guests from Japan, Taiwan, Canada, Mexico and the USA. As English will probably be the language we all have in common, tuition will be mainly in English. Don’t worry if you speak only basic English, it is good enough.
Junko Noda: »I would like to express my special thanks to wonderful tutors, both musically and personally, and to friends who treated me friendly even though I was not good at English.«
Holidays in the Czech Republic
It is a great idea to combine eight days of music-making with further holidaying in Czech Republic, which for its peaceful and beautiful countryside is an increasingly popular part of Europe.
Katy and Jan de Jongh: »Before the course, we stay in Prague for a few days, and afterwards, we have a quiet holiday near the town. Bohemia is so cheap that we can afford to stay a little longer.«
Travel Information
- Perhaps you have a spare place in your car, or you want a ride. Perhaps you intend to travel by air, train or bus and prefer to travel with others. If you want to travel together by car or public transport you can look at the list of participants. It shows how one intends to travel. Please feel free to take up contact with other participants. Probably you will find like-minded souls and can agree on a trip together.
- Those who travel by air or by train to Prague can best continue by train to České Budějovice. We suggest the following train connection: Prague main station (Praha Hlavní nádraží) – České Budějovice. It is only a 800 meter walk from the railway station to the conservatoire. In the vicinity of the station there is a TAXI stand. Other public transport connections can be found on https://idos.idnes.cz/en/vlakyautobusymhdvse/spojeni/ (also available in English and German).
- Motorists coming from Western Europe are advised to use the following route: Frankfurt-Nürnberg-Amberg-border crossing Waidhaus/Rozvadov. Then keep following the motorway to Plzen until the exit for Ostrov u Stribra, head for Stod, Dobrany, Nepomuk, Písek. In Písek keep heading for Tábor. Shortly after crossing the river Vltava, keep going in the direction of České Budějovice.
- The address of the Conservatory where is the Hostel and the course takes place:
Konzervatoř – domov mládeže
Kanovnická 22
370 61, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
[shortcut to Google maps] - EU citizens need a valid passport or identity card for Czech Republic. Overseas travelers may need a visa. Czech Republic is part of the Schengen zone, so the border is hardly controlled. More information about visa can be found on the Czech embassy site.
General Information
- České Budějovice has many banks for changing money. There are several bankomats (ATM machines) which take foreign bank cards. Here you can find an electronic Currency Converter.
- The concerts will be performed in simple informal dress, nothing fancy is required.
- Please bring along: instrument(s), music (including your own chamber music), music stand.
Other Matters
- What if I did not find what I was looking for, or what if I have some other question?
Please, don’t hesitate to send a simple e-mail to us at info@kinskytrio.cz. We will be happy to help you.